Rugby From Oakland University
Contact US!
Weclome to the contacts page! We would love it if you could leave us any remarks or concerns about the web site, or if you have questions about one of the clubs running out of oakland University.
If you have any positive remarks that you would like the team to hear, please fill our your message and information in the boxes to the right and we will make sure that your message gets accross. Our players need your encouragement and support both on and off the pitch. Examples could be compliments from a previous match, inspiring quotes, supportive phrases, and afirmations. All are always more than appreciated!
Also if you would like to stay up to date with the clubs around Oakland University, feel free to SUBSCRIBE FOR UPTADES using your email and you will receive our monthly newsletter filling you in on all the events and stats about our Rugby FAMILY! - Thank You - O.U.R.F.C. -